Green Cremation: Options And Considerations

affordable cremation Albany is popular in part because of the options that families have in creating the ideal memorial service. These themes can be simple and inexpensive, or expansive and more costly. Those who seek information about affordable cremation in Albany can use ideas about memorial themes to create a plan that works best for them and their families.

Sports Theme

Many sports fans love the idea that their memorial could feature their favorite game, and possibly even their favorite team. Urns with a sports theme are widely available as a long-term keepsake of a loved one. At the memorial, people might dress in their favorite jerseys or bring sports equipment for a round after the memorial. Hosts might opt to schedule the memorial at the time of a particular match the person would have liked to watch. For food, the family could serve the loved one’s favorite food, or even feature options that are popular at the ballpark.

Garden Party

Outdoor themes are particular enjoyable to use for a memorial. The garden party keeps the event simple and elegant. With the use of natural flowers, especially in a garden, hosts convey the timelessness of nature and the yearly renewal that spring brings. The memorial might feature simple appetizers and cakes, with an arrangement of the loved one’s favorite flowers or outdoor scene. The memorial may be complete with a scattering of the ashes over the garden.

Beach Bonfire

People who loved going to the beach may like to know that their final sendoff includes the kind of party they liked best. Beach bonfires can be simple or complex. Hosts just have to make sure that they follow all rules for hosting a party on the beach, as well as any regulations about scattering ashes in the water nearby. A roaring fire at night, comfortable beach clothing and a barbecue may be all that is needed to provide the perfect opportunity for family members to say goodbye in style.

Planning a memorial can be one of the most engaging parts of preparing for one’s final rest. With these interesting and engaging themes, people can create a memorial that is truly worthy of remembrance.

Lessening Conflict When Planning A Later Memorial

cremation services Albany is popular in part because of the options that families have in creating the ideal memorial service. These themes can be simple and inexpensive, or expansive and more costly. Those who seek information about affordable cremation in Albany can use ideas about memorial themes to create a plan that works best for them and their families.

Sports Theme

Many sports fans love the idea that their memorial could feature their favorite game, and possibly even their favorite team. Urns with a sports theme are widely available as a long-term keepsake of a loved one. At the memorial, people might dress in their favorite jerseys or bring sports equipment for a round after the memorial. Hosts might opt to schedule the memorial at the time of a particular match the person would have liked to watch. For food, the family could serve the loved one’s favorite food, or even feature options that are popular at the ballpark.

Garden Party

Outdoor themes are particular enjoyable to use for a memorial. The garden party keeps the event simple and elegant. With the use of natural flowers, especially in a garden, hosts convey the timelessness of nature and the yearly renewal that spring brings. The memorial might feature simple appetizers and cakes, with an arrangement of the loved one’s favorite flowers or outdoor scene. The memorial may be complete with a scattering of the ashes over the garden.

Beach Bonfire

People who loved going to the beach may like to know that their final sendoff includes the kind of party they liked best. Beach bonfires can be simple or complex. Hosts just have to make sure that they follow all rules for hosting a party on the beach, as well as any regulations about scattering ashes in the water nearby. A roaring fire at night, comfortable beach clothing and a barbecue may be all that is needed to provide the perfect opportunity for family members to say goodbye in style.

Planning a memorial can be one of the most engaging parts of preparing for one’s final rest. With these interesting and engaging themes, people can create a memorial that is truly worthy of remembrance.

Using Innovation For Memorial Services

Planning a memorial is such an opportunity, but it can also become a stressful experience. People often decide to hold a memorial during a more opportune time, when more family members can attend. They may choose a spring or summer date to avoid having to host the service in the cold of winter, for example. By establishing plans in advance, making reasonable accommodations for family and providing for clear communication, memorial hosts reduce arguments and stress during the memorial.

Planning Ahead

One of the biggest problems families face when they decide not to hold a memorial shortly after a person’s death is a decision about the timing. This can be a unique obstacle with memorials in general cremation services Albany because unlike a traditional burial there is no pressure to have the memorial right away. However, plans should be put in place as soon as possible so that family members can make arrangement to attend. This minimizes the likelihood of confusion about the timing and frustration about the overall plans.

Reasonable Accommodations

Many families like to plan a destination memorial, but this poses a lot of the same problems to family members as a destination wedding might. It is extremely important for family and friends’ emotional well-being for them to have the opportunity to grieve with their loved ones and get a chance to say goodbye. If the person planning the memorial selects a location that is difficult to get to, or is hundreds of miles away, it is also prudent to offer a smaller memorial ceremony in a location close to the place where most family members live. That way, the ashes may be scattered in a great location, but everyone gets a chance to take a part in the final sendoff.

Communicating Openly

As with all parts of planning a funeral or memorial service, it is vital for hosts to communicate their expectations and preferences to family members as soon as possible. If a person decides to have their ashes scattered on a distant island with a huge party on the beach, family members should be notified when death is imminent so that they can start to prepare. Communication minimizes the likelihood of conflict on the day of the actual memorial and what their final wishes were, such as a cremation in Albany, as opposed to a burial.

No one wants a stressful memorial, so people often schedule the ceremony for a later date for their convenience. To avoid disagreements and frustration, it is crucial to make plans clear to family members, and accommodate people’s needs.

Ways To Throw Away Cremated Remains

Memorial services seem like they ought to be low-key, which means low technology to a lot of people. However, use of modern technology can make today’s memorial services that much more engaging and memorable, through recording and video conferencing, photography, videos and music. With these possible enhancements, people who use cremation services in Albany will have a more enjoyable memorial.

Recording the Event

There are a lot of instances where people cannot attend a memorial ceremony for some reason. As a way to allow long-distance family and friends participate in the experience, many memorial hosts choose to have the ceremony recorded so that everyone gets a chance to experience it. There are many affordable cremation Albany available that also allow people who cannot attend the service be there from a distance, by using video conferencing apps or software.

Taking Photography

Memorials are as important as weddings, to many. That is why a lot of people like to have someone taking pictures of the service as a reminder. If the event is held at a private facility, professional photographers may need to obtain a pass before they can take photographs. Once the photographs are ready, families can use the photos to create a scrapbook or photo memorial, or even post some of the pictures online. That way, anyone can look at the pictures anytime they would like.

Music and Videos

Memorial hosts also often enjoy featuring music and videos throughout the event. Videos are not particularly difficult to make, to put together short snippets of videos of the loved one, or to arrange many pictures into a slide show with a musical background. Music might be reverent hymns, or the person’s favorite music put on repeat. The effect is a lovely background ambience that family members will enjoy while they wait for the memorial service to start, or after it is complete.

Planning a memorial takes a lot of work, but technology can help. With video conferencing and recording, family members who cannot attend can be there in spirit. Adding photography, music and videos creates a richer experience during the memorial, with a lasting reminder for those starting the grieving process.

Lessening Conflict When Planning A Later Memorial

One of the many reasons people like to choose affordable cremation services Albany in Albany for the handling of their remains after death is the overall cost. Cremation is much less expensive than a traditional burial. However, memorial ceremonies can be just as costly as funeral ceremonies. People on a strict budget can still have a lovely memorial, without having to spend several thousand dollars.


People love the idea of cremation in large part because they can have a memorial ceremony pretty much anywhere. Transporting ashes is so much easier than moving a body, so families have many more options available to them. People might consider having an informal ceremony at a park or similar location, without having to pay a great deal to reserve a funeral hall or other location. They could even have the memorial at a person’s home or backyard.


The wide variety of urns currently available on the market does not mean that they will all be inexpensive. Urns made of natural materials like stone or solid materials like brass can be quite costly. People should consider in advance their plan for the use of the urn after the memorial ceremony. If the ashes are to be completely scattered, family may be able to purchase a less expensive scattering urn that is not designed to last for decades. Should the urn be kept inside a home, it also may be made from materials that are not as hardy as those intended to be kept outside.

Memorial Products

A benefit of having so much choice in the location of the memorial ceremony is that it need not involve anything more than the person and the grieving family wants. The memorial could be incredibly casual, with people simply bringing themselves a few good memories to share. Designing and printing programs and thank-you cards at home, and making food for the service from home as well, are just two examples of ways that families can reduce costs on the memorial itself.

Planning a memorial on a tight budget requires some thought, but it is not impossible. When families consider their options for locations, urns and memorial products, they can still create a proper sendoff without breaking the bank.

Using Innovation For Memorial Services

When cremation was nowhere near as popular as it is now, many people thought that the only thing you could do with the ashes was to put them in an urn. However, there are many options nowadays that people can use as part of a lovely memorial ceremony after receiving cremation services in Albany. These include scattering, burying and putting ashes into a keepsake urn.


One of the most popular methods of disposing of ashes is scattering. With this method, people spread at least a portion of the ashes over a surface. Some families like to rake the ashes into the ground so that they are fully integrated into the earth. Others prefer to scatter ashes in water so that they become a part of the sea. Many want to toss the ashes across a wide area, in a field of wildflowers or off a rocky outcrop on a hike. Many ceremonies offer everyone a chance to scatter a portion of the ashes, as a personal farewell to the person who passed.


Burying ashes is a form of disposition that is gaining popularity, with more choices available each year. Of course, people have the option to simply bury the ashes in an urn. However, there are so many different kinds of urns that are designed for burying. Some are biodegradable, so that the ashes and urn decompose over a period of years. Others are meant to become a permanent fixture of the earth. People can even have their ashes placed in a biodegradable urn with seeds or the roots of a small tree, which will grow for decades in the spot of their final rest.


Most people cremation services Albany are familiar with traditional urns but they may not know as much about keepsake urns. Keepsake urns are urns that are designed to hold a very small amount of ashes. They can be given to family members or friends as a permanent reminder of their loved ones. Keepsakes include small urns, jewelry, even stuffed animals.

For many people, it is easier to determine what they cannot do with ashes than what they can, because the choices are so varied. With these options, families can make the decision to dispose of cremated remains in one or more ways as a wonderful goodbye to their loved ones.

Producing A Facebook Wall As A Memorial

Losing a loved one in the middle of winter can be a devastating event. Of course, anytime a loved one passes away can be devastating. However, the combination of winter and grieving can be difficult to handle. The holidays happen in the middle of winter and being cooped up in the funeral home Philadelphia because of cold temperatures can make grieving feel unbearable. This is what can lead many to feel even more depressed than they normally would be this time of year. Definitely gives new meaning to the “Winter Blues.”

Visit the cemetery

Though it may be cold and snow might be on the ground, it may help to bundle up and visit a local Bala Cynwry cemetery. Doing so allows friends and family to speak to their loved one and get some things they have been wanting to say off their chest. This will help say things that are bundled up and need to be said.

Stay healthy

When grieving many people forget the important things in life. These things include eating, staying healthy and staying physically active. If the winter weather allows, get out for a long walk or walk a treadmill for 30 minutes a day. Also make sure to drink plenty of water and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Staying and feeling healthy will help boost the mood, which can help alleviate feelings of grief.

Do not rush it

Some will say that over time the grief will go away. However, that does not mean that the person has to rush their feelings and fight the grief to get over it sooner. It is important for the grieving process to take its own course and it is different among individuals. With the winter blues happening at the same time it might feel like the process lasts forever, but it will eventually end. It may be necessary to seek out counseling or a support group to help get through the grieving process.

Staying active and finding positive things to do during the winter will help ease the grieving process. It will also help reduce the chances of falling victim to depression. Those willing to brave the cold in Philadelphia can get out get some exercise and go visit their loved ones grave at the local cemetery. Both activity and being able to visit will help ease the grieving process.

Cremation Diamonds: New Family Heirlooms

For many, their birthday means gathering with friends and family for some cake and a round of “Happy Birthday.” There are many ways to celebrate a person’s birthday, including after they have passed. It is possible to remember a loved one on their special day even after the mourning period has ended. Some take flowers to put on their loved ones gravestones and others gather with friends and family to host a party to celebrate.


For many, celebrating a loved ones birthday is as simple as gathering at their favorite restaurant for dinner. This can be done when wanting to remember a lost loved one too. In fact, it is possible to gather for dinner and instead of giving presents, all guests share a memory of the person they are honoring.


Though it may seem odd to make a cake for someone who has passed away, it is still something that can be done. Make it a new tradition to have the person’s favorite cake or sweet treat on his or her birthday. This will help remember what they liked and act as a ceremony showing they are loved and remembered.


Flowers are a great symbol celebrating a loved ones birthday. Gather up the family and take a bouquet of flowers to where the person is buried. If they are not buried take the flowers to their favorite place and leave funeral home Philadelphia in honor of the person.


Instead of buying the person presents, make a donation every year on their birthday to a local charity. It can be a charity the person supported. Or it can be a charity that helped the person out when he or she was in need. Other ideas include taking activity books or teddy bears to a local children’s hospital or some reading books to a local shelter.

Celebrating a loved ones birthday event after they have passed does not mean a person is stuck in time. It means that they have gotten through the grieving period and this is their way of remembering their loved one. Those wanting to celebrate a deceased person’s birthday where they are buried will want to speak to the Philadelphia cemetery director or funeral home director for permission and assistance.

Haunted Areas In The Ohio State Area

At some point, most people will find themselves visiting a Philadelphia area cemetery to visit a loved one who has passed. And while most people who visit cemeteries are completely respectful during their visits, there are some simple etiquette tips that not everybody is aware of.

Keep an Eye on Children

One common etiquette faux pas people make when they visit a cemetery is simply not keeping an eye on their children. Kids should be taught to respect the graves at a funeral home philadelphia and to behave appropriately. They should not be running around the grounds or making loud noises, but should remain close by and avoid walking over other graves.

Clean Up After Oneself

Often times, people bring food or drinks to have a small picnic at their loved one’s gravestone. In most cases, this is completely acceptable and rather common, as it’s a means of bonding with somebody who has passed. However, keep in mind that alcoholic beverages should not be brought to a cemetery, and all trash should be thrown out in the designated receptacles before leaving.

Keep Vehicles on Designated Roads

Most cemeteries these days (especially larger ones) have paved roads that people can drive on to find the grave they are looking for. This helps to avoid having vehicles driving over other burial sites. When driving through a cemetery that has paved roads, it’s considered disrespectful to drive off the road for any reason.

Be Aware of Visiting Hours

There are two different types of cemeteries: public and private. Private cemeteries almost always have strict visiting hours and are usually gated as well. This means visitors cannot access the grounds after a certain time. On the other hand, even many public cemeteries have designated visiting hours that should be researched and respected by those looking to visit.

Turn Down Music

When driving through a cemetery, it’s the respectful thing to do to turn down one’s music so that it cannot be heard outside of the vehicle. Having loud, blaring music is not only disrespectful, but could disturb others who are trying to visit their loved ones.

These are just a few important etiquette guidelines to keep in mind when visiting any Bala Cynwyd cemetery. By following these tips, one can have a peaceful experience at the cemetery and ensure that others are able to do so as well.

Unused Talents – Isn’t It Time To Get To Work?

At some point, most people will find themselves visiting a Philadelphia area cemetery to visit a loved one who has passed. And while most people who visit cemeteries are completely respectful during their visits, there are some simple etiquette tips that not everybody is aware of.

Keep an Eye on Children

One common etiquette faux pas people make when they visit a cemetery is simply not keeping an eye on their children. Kids should be taught to respect the graves at a cemetery and to behave appropriately. They should not be running around the grounds or making loud noises, but should remain close by and avoid walking over other graves.

Clean Up After Oneself

Often times, people bring food or drinks to have a small picnic at their loved one’s gravestone. In most cases, this is completely acceptable and rather common, as it’s a means of bonding with somebody who has passed. However, keep in mind that alcoholic beverages should not be brought to a cemetery, and all trash should be thrown out in the designated receptacles before leaving.

Keep Vehicles on Designated Roads

Most cemeteries these days (especially larger ones) have paved roads that people can drive on to find the grave they are looking for. This helps to avoid having vehicles driving over other burial sites. When driving through a click here that has paved roads, it’s considered disrespectful to drive off the road for any reason.

Be Aware of Visiting Hours

There are two different types of cemeteries: public and private. Private cemeteries almost always have strict visiting hours and are usually gated as well. This means visitors cannot access the grounds after a certain time. On the other hand, even many public cemeteries have designated visiting hours that should be researched and respected by those looking to visit.

Turn Down Music

When driving through a cemetery, it’s the respectful thing to do to turn down one’s music so that it cannot be heard outside of the vehicle. Having loud, blaring music is not only disrespectful, but could disturb others who are trying to visit their loved ones.

These are just a few important etiquette guidelines to keep in mind when visiting any Bala Cynwyd cemetery. By following these tips, one can have a peaceful experience at the cemetery and ensure that others are able to do so as well.

The Village Voice